view our radiation-shielding

On this page you will find our product range for nuclear medicine & radiopharmacy. We display these products well structured, clearly visualized and complemented with product sheets. It will give you a comprehensive insight in the radiation-shielding solutions we offer.

Active gas compression system

  • High pressure compressor
  • Super silent
  • Compact
  • Ergonomic design
  • Easy to maintain
  • Rack with high-pressure storage tanks – small footprint

Small footprint, high-capacity storage system 

The active gas compression system can be added to your hot cell configuration. It is designed to store radioactively contaminated exhaust air in buffer tanks for decay. The exhaust air is collected from one or more hot cells. This system is either activated by the operator or an activity sensor. 

The system is normally connected to Von Gahlen synthesis boxes and waste compartments but can also be attached to other hot cells. The AGC system is PLC-controlled through the hot cell interface and is easy to use. It is equipped with several safety features to prevent contaminated air from being released into the atmosphere. 

You can choose from a wide selection of drive power ratings, effectively supplemented by state-of-the-art gas-tight high-pressure treatment systems and high-performance gas metering technology. 

The one-compressor solution can handle 2 compartments simultaneously. Two tanks in one bank is the standard system, but the amount of tanks and banks can be increased for more storage capacity. 
A second compressor can be added for redundancy and/or up to four synthesis boxes parallel storage. 

Model VG-AGC