view our radiation-shielding

On this page you will find our product range for nuclear medicine & radiopharmacy. We display these products well structured, clearly visualized and complemented with product sheets. It will give you a comprehensive insight in the radiation-shielding solutions we offer.

Hot cell systems

The active gas compression system (AGC) can be added to your hot cell configuration. It is designed to store radioactive contaminated exhaust air in buffer tanks for decay. The exhaust air can be collected from one or more hot cells. The activity distribution system (ADS) is designed for the safe distribution of radioactive fluids and gasses from cyclotron to hot cells. This distribution system provides a safe and easy transfer of cyclotron products to hot cells, due to the use of multi position valves.

Automatic glove tester

Automatic glove tester

Automated hot cell decontamination with hydrogen peroxide vapor

Automated hot cell decontamination with hydrogen peroxide vapor

Active gas compression system

Active gas compression system

Activity distribution system

Activity distribution system