view our radiation-shielding

On this page you will find our product range for nuclear medicine & radiopharmacy. We display these products well structured, clearly visualized and complemented with product sheets. It will give you a comprehensive insight in the radiation-shielding solutions we offer.

Dispensing hot cell

  • Large lead glass window
  • Ergonomically placed ball tong manipulator
  • Integrated waste and measurement solutions
  • Optimal laminair flow
  • Highly customizable shielded product output
  • Airtight compartment

The dispensing hot cell is designed for aseptically dispensing sterile radiopharmaceutical solutions with an integrated laminar down flow providing a GMP class A environment.

This cell is a complete solution including; shielded compartment with 75 mm lead all directions and an airtight stainless steel box with rounded corners for easy cleaning.

The DPB is available in two widths and can be equipped with an airlock or with a preparation isolator on the left or right side. Either of these are connected to the main compartment with inner, airtight, lead hinged doors. These compartments help you to establish the required cascade design values needed to dispense your radiopharmaceutical solutions according to current GMP requirements.