view our radiation-shielding

On this page you will find our product range for nuclear medicine & radiopharmacy. We display these products well structured, clearly visualized and complemented with product sheets. It will give you a comprehensive insight in the radiation-shielding solutions we offer.

Reusable Type A package Plastic container with lead container

  • Lead container is air tight and waterproof 
  • Tapered opening enables quick loading of vials up to 20 ml 
  • Lead container is user friendly, easy to clean yet very robust 
  • Re-usable complete Type A package 

The type A package plastic container with a capacity of 15 liters and lead container, is designed for the safe transport of high energy gamma (PET) radiopharmaceuticals in vials by road and air. The package is tested and certified according to the requirements of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material TS-R-1. 

Complete Type A package BVC lead container (VGTYPE-A/C), EPP and plastic container. 
Outside dimensions 338*297 mm (Ø*H), 
weight ± 10,5 kg 

Optional tamper-proof pins 

Model VG-TYPE-A/B 
Separate plastic container 

Separate EPP insert