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Teamwork as the basis for success

18-07-24, 13:42

At Von Gahlen, we set the bar high and enforce the highest quality standards. This ensures that you can rely on our proven innovations, accurate delivery, and excellent service. Good teamwork is central to this. Lucas Lössbroek plays a crucial role in this as the Manager Engineering. Lucas: “By bringing people together and giving them the space to provide valuable input, a strong team is created. The result is that together we can tackle any challenge.”

From Mechanical Engineer to Manager Engineering

Lucas began his career at Von Gahlen in 2014, as a Mechanical Engineer, after earning his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. Lucas: "Subsequently, as an R&D Engineer, I contributed to the development of various dispensing systems. Later, I technically led hot cell projects as a Lead Engineer." In recent years, Lucas has advanced to the position of Manager Engineering. His team consists of a diverse group of professionals. "Our team consists of several Lead Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Software Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Technical Writers and Application Engineers," says Lucas. "It's a dynamic team with mixed backgrounds, personalities, and ages. This allows us to learn from each other and bring out the best in one another.”

The power of good teamwork

Lucas strongly believes in the importance of teamwork. "I am a team player. You achieve the most by working together. By engaging in conversations, we collectively focus on continuously improving processes." This focus on the future represents a mindset shift that Von Gahlen has undergone in recent years. "Years ago, the focus was mainly on individual projects rather than optimizing and improving internal processes. So, this has been quite a transition. Projects have evolved in both scale and depth. The entire process is conducted in consultation with the client. By continually optimizing our internal processes, we can consistently meet our clients' needs. Especially in terms of efficiency and the reliability of our products." Additionally, because we work order-driven, we often see peaks in workload. "There is a good mentality in our team: even during busy times, we always collectively put our shoulders to the wheel."

Involvement in work processes

As a Manager Engineering, Lucas still contributes to hot cell projects. But his focus is now more on improving processes and the personal development of colleagues. "I am still closely involved in the work processes. This gives me the opportunity to continuously improve them. Think about making processes smarter and faster. Both within our own department and in collaboration with other departments. So that we can serve our customers even better.

Von Gahlen: For Sure

The core values of Von Gahlen are reflected in Lucas' work ethic. "Say what you do and do what you say. This way, customers can rely on a successful collaboration, and we build a long-term relationship. Internally, this sometimes means having tough conversations when there are conflicting interests in projects or processes.” Therefore, Lucas always looks beyond his own team. “I have been a member of the staff association for years. We organize activities where colleagues can meet and get to know each other across departments. This makes an important contribution to the sense of connection and team spirit.”

Teamwork as the basis for success