How our service department ensures the continuity of the production process
We understand the critical importance of uninterrupted radiopharmaceutical production, whether for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. By continuously evolving our services to align with our client's needs and expectations, we ensure that production processes remain efficient and reliable.
Meet Von Gahlen at international events in 2025!
This year, we will again attend various international trade fairs and events related to nuclear medicine. These are the perfect opportunities for us to meet you in person, share our innovations, and discuss together how we can support your challenges.
Introducing the Modular Type A Dry Ice Package
Von Gahlen is proud to announce the addition of the Modular Type A Dry Ice Package for transport to our portfolio of radiopharmaceutical transport solutions. This single-use packaging system is specifically designed to safely and efficiently transport sensitive radiopharmaceuticals at extremely low temperatures, making it an ideal solution for clinical trials and other temperature-critical shipments.
Advanced HPV Decontamination system
Maintaining a sterile environment is critical to ensuring patient safety in the production of injectables. Our advanced Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor (HPV) System provides the ultimate solution for effective disinfection, designed specifically for radiopharmacy and other sterile production areas. The H2O2 decontamination system (HPV BIO-DECONTAMINATION) is integrated into our hot cell solutions and helps create a safer, more efficient production environment.
Update on Von Gahlen's LFS Family - renewed dispensers OVDD-CAN & CVDD-CAN
At Von Gahlen, we would like to share an update on the enhancements in our dispenser lineup, specifically comparing the current OVDD-SA & CVDD-SA models with the newly developed OVDD-CAN & CVDD-CAN models. The latest innovations reflect our ongoing commitment to advancing safety, usability, and regulatory compliance in radiopharmaceutical solutions.
Customer experience with the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
Bob Smith (Research Engineer) and Donald Hamlin from Seattle UW Medicine, the University of Washington, visited our location in the Netherlands in November to attend the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) of the new hot cell combined with an Ellex Solid Target delivery system, guided by Dr. Jozef Comor, Director of Elex Commerce This complete system realizes a transfer from the Ellex Solid Target delivery from a 50MeV Scanditronix Cyclotron to a 4” Customer-made hot cell for research and production.
Von Gahlen prepares for EANM 2024 in Hamburg
Von Gahlen will participate in the EANM (European Association of Nuclear Medicine) in Hamburg from October 19th to 23rd, 2024. This major event in the field of nuclear medicine is a yearly highlight for us. Our sales and services teams are excited to meet existing and potential customers at our booth, which is located at the exhibition stand H22.
Teamwork as the basis for success
At Von Gahlen, we set the bar high and enforce the highest quality standards. This ensures that you can rely on our proven innovations, accurate delivery, and excellent service. Good teamwork is central to this. Lucas Lössbroek plays a crucial role in this as the Manager Engineering. Lucas: “By bringing people together and giving them the space to provide valuable input, a strong team is created. The result is that together we can tackle any challenge.”
Horizontal integrated autoclave with automated sliding door
The autoclave can be integrated in grade C / ISO 7 hot cells and in grade A / ISO 5 isolators. It is typically used for terminal sterilization of products which, because of that, do not require an aseptic environment. It could however add flexibility in a production line having an isolator that can do both aseptic production as well as products that require terminal sterilization.
Innovative solutions for future-oriented research projects
We recently performed a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) on a hot-cell suite for one of our customers: the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University. These hot cells will play a vital part in FRIB’s radiochemistry research into production of exotic radioisotopes for applications ranging from nuclear astrophysics to nuclear medicine.
Professional journey to engineering evolution
Looking back on a remarkable 17-year professional journey, Gert Jan Veenstra progressed from an engineer to his current role as Technical Director at Von Gahlen. His personal career parallels the growth of Von Gahlen itself, transforming from a demand-driven entity to a company specializing in customer-focused solutions. This narrative unfolds the progression of Gert Jan and Von Gahlen’s development over the years.
Expert insights driving product excellence
At Von Gahlen, our commitment to the continual development of high-quality products hinges on effective interdepartmental collaboration. In line with this vision, we have launched the 'Product Development' department, where our R&D and Engineering teams work in synergy to ensure the future-readiness of all our solutions. R&D Engineer Eva Joosten is excited about the opportunity this new initiative brings. Eva: “R&D is very theoretical, Engineering is practical. In our team, these two aspects come together, serving as steppingstone to elevate our product range to new heights.”
Taking service to the next level
Von Gahlen is all about long-term relationships. So, when the assembly of an installation at the customer's site is completed, it doesn't mean we're done. By providing services like remote assistance, maintenance and training, we ensure the safety of our products, the quality of the radiopharmaceuticals and an optimal user experience. But it doesn’t stop there. Our service manager Sietse Bootsma is determined to take it to the next level.
SHINE supercell completes testing & ready for shipment to U.S.
On October 11th, Von Gahlen reached an important milestone: the supercell we developed with our customer SHINE Technologies has passed the factory acceptance test! The supercell, a bank consisting of 10 hot cells, is now being prepared for shipment to SHINE's medical isotope production facility in Janesville, Wisconsin. The SHINE project is the largest project we have undertaken so far: more than eighty shipping containers will be used for shipment of the equipment.
One year after winning the Koning Willem I Award
(This article is available in Dutch below). It has been a year since we won the Koning Willem I Award. We are still very proud of that! Besides the fact that the award is a fantastic recognition of our work, it has also brought us a lot. In an interview with The Economic Board, our managing director Alex Duiker looks back on the entire process. He explains why other companies should join in too!
Wij sponsoren team Liemers for Life tijdens de Roparun
(This article is available in English below). Onze sportieve HR-manager Femke Jentink doet mee aan de Roparun, een estafetteloop door Limburg en Brabant, met start en finish in Landgraaf. Haar team ‘Liemers for Life’ loopt en fietst 325 kilometer om geld in te zamelen voor het goede doel. De opbrengst wordt door Stichting Roparun ingezet om de levenskwaliteit van kankerpatiënten te verbeteren.
Von Gahlen in managementblad Link Magazine
(This article is only available in Dutch) ‘Innovatie is belangrijk, maar betrouwbaarheid en kwaliteit zijn het allerbelangrijkste.' Dat is de titel van het artikel in Link Magazine. In het artikel vertelt Alex Duiker over Von Gahlen. Hoe hij met zijn broer Jaap Duiker het bedrijf in 2016 overnam en hoe zij nu samen mooie stappen zetten. ‘Mijn vader heeft een sterk merk neergezet en een goede naam opgebouwd, wij willen er een nog mooier en beter bedrijf van maken’, aldus Alex Duiker.
[Video] Looking back on our Koning Willem I award adventure
(This article is available in Dutch below). March 2nd, 2020 was the start of a special adventure: we were nominated for the Koning Willem I Award, in the category SME! The nomination in itself was already a great honor. And when we turned out to be the winner on November 25th, 2020, we couldn't be happier! We will never forget the moment when her Majesty Queen Máxima pronounced our name during the ceremony.
Lokaal samenwerken om mondiaal zaken te kunnen doen
(This article is only available in Dutch) Hoe blijven wij als internationale organisatie verantwoord doorwerken tijdens de coronacrisis? En hoe zorgen we dat belangrijke medische molens niet stil komen te staan? Het antwoord: dankzij lokale samenwerkingen in onze eigen regio, De Liemers. In het Liemerse magazine DUS vertellen onze managing directors Jaap en Alex Duiker uitgebreid over ondernemen in deze bijzondere tijden.
Von Gahlen proud to win Koning Willem I Award
(This article is available in Dutch below). What an incredibly beautiful surprise. On Wednesday evening November 25th, we won the prestigious Koning Willem I Award in the category SMEs. In the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam, her majesty Queen Máxima, honorary chairman of the jury, appointed us as the winner. Our director Alex Duiker accepted the prize from DNB director Klaas Knot. It is very special to receive this great prize in times like these. We view it as a great appreciation for our worldwide performance in our market.
Von Gahlen is nominated for the Koning Willem I Award
(This article is available in Dutch below). Great news! We have reached the final of the Koning Willem I Prijs (King William I Award), in the category SME. This makes us one of the last three out of twelve nominees. The judges particularly appreciate the development we have made in recent years. On 25 November 2020 the coveted prize will be officially awarded. We are very proud and happy with this final spot and this makes us want more!
Waiting and anticipating for possible Koning Willem I Award
A while ago, we proudly announced our nomination for the Koning Willem I Prijs (King William I Award). A highly prestigious distinction for Dutch entrepreneurs, or as the organizing committee calls it: The Oscars for sustainable Dutch entrepreneurship.
Meet Michael: your service contact in North America.
Von Gahlen has been active in the USA for quite a while now. Activity that can be found in Beloit (WI) for instance, where Von Gahlen increased capacity of an isotope processing facility. Or in Columbia (MO) where we expanded a cyclotron facility with a Dual Chemical Enclosure.
Von Gahlen nominated for ‘Koning Willem I Award'
In 1958 the Dutch National Bank and the Ministry of Economic Affairs decided to start biannually awarding outstanding entrepreneurship in The Netherlands. This award is called the Koning Willem I Prijs (King William I Award). A highly prestigious distinction for Dutch SME’s (Small and Medium sized Enterprises). We are very proud that Von Gahlen is nominated one of the twelve contenders for the 2020 edition.
Von Gahlen received subsidy for ‘Learning on the Fly’
Together with Selmers and Groba we received a subsidy of €200.000 for our submission Learning on the Fly at MKB!dee*. We are very thankful for receiving this subsidy. Thanks to this subsidy we have the opportunity to develop a unique online learning platform. With this platform our employees can develop themselves personally and professionally. The construction of the platform starts January 2020.
Von Gahlen in Imaging Center
We are proud that our solutions are part of the Amsterdam University Medical Center (Amsterdam UMC). This institute recently opened the highly anticipated Imaging Center: a global center-of-excellence in the field of biomedical imaging. It is the only place in the world where production, treatment and research are brought together in one center.